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Sequence Transformers for Polish Lang

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to generate embeddings for sequences in polish using Sequence Transformers. I won’t explain how they work, there are many great articles:

What we’ll need is a Sequence Transformers library from Huggingface:

pip install sequence_transformers

The code is simple, we import library, create model and ask it for embeddings.

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

model = SentenceTransformer('Voicelab/sbert-base-cased-pl')
embeddings = model.encode(["Ten tekst zostanie zakodowany"])

And that’s it. This is the output of the model:

[[ 7.74895132e-01  7.00104088e-02 -5.02209544e-01 -2.06187874e-01
  -1.28363922e-01  1.18705399e-01 -1.88303709e-01 -9.09971595e-02

If you wanted to change the model change Voicelab/sbert-base-cased-pl to a model from this list, it’s pre-filtered for Polish language.

Those embeddings can be pretty useful, as we could use them for classification, similarity search etc.

Example of usage

I have a list of sentences. I want to know which ones are the most similar. How could I do that? As you can guess – with embeddings. We’ll calculate a distance matrix for each sentence and look which are the most similar.

sentences = [
"Pożar w mieście. Zgnięło 10 osób."
,"Wypadek pod wiaduktem kolejowym."
,"W Poniedziałek odbędzie się konferencja naukowa"
,"Magia potrafi wzniecać pożary"]

embeddings = model.encode(sentences)

I’ll use cosine distance as measure of similarity.

from sklearn.metrics import pairwise

sns.heatmap(pairwise.cosine_similarity(embeddings, embeddings))

Heatmap of distance matrix

From this heatmap we can deduce that our model works, it found similarity between sentences with pożar and wypadek which both refer to an accident.

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